________________________________________ ===========================| Yuri Sakazaki by Phantom.of.the.Server |========================== ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ [12.01.2010] - Contact: potsmugen@yahoo.com.br - Website: http://www.mugenguild.com/pots/ - Customized version of SNK Playmore's Yuri Sakazaki character - For Mugen 1.0 only ========== - All the essential stuff - Details and moves taken from her various video-game appearances and storyline - Gameplay mixed from several Capcom games, including CvS2, SFZ3 and SF3 - Original and edited effects from various games - Sounds from various games, including CvS2 and SFZ3 - Voice samples from CvS2 and KoF:MI2 - Various intros, win poses and special animations - Special intro vs Ryo and Sakura (and other chars) - 29 Palettes - 4 extra big portraits - A.I. ========== U - up x - weak punch a - weak kick D - down y - medium punch b - medium kick F - forward z - strong punch c - strong kick B - back p - any punch k - any kick s - start 2p- two punches 2k- two kicks (Air)- Move must be performed in the air. (Air also)- Move can be performed either on the ground or in the air. (EX)- Move has an EX version, performed by pressing two punch/kick buttons instead of one. .Oni Harite: F/B + 2p (near opponent) .Silent Nage: F/B + 2k (near opponent) .En Yoku: F + b .Yuri Ori: B + b (Air) .Enbu Kyaku: x, b, y, c .Ko'ou Ken (EX): D, DF, F, p .Arata Raiou Ken (EX): D, DF, F, k .Raiou Ken: D, DF, F, p (Air) .Yuri Chou Upper (EX): F, D, DF, p .Double Yuri Chou Upper (EX): F, D, DF, z (while landing from strong or EX Yuri Chou Upper) .Triple Yuri Chou Upper: F, D, DF, z (while landing from EX Double Yuri Chou Upper) .Saifa (EX): D, DB, B, p .Hyakuretsu Binta (EX): F, DF, D, DB, B, k .Hien Hou'ou Kyaku: D, DF, F, DF, D, DB, B, k .Haou Shoukou Ken: F, B, DB, D, DF, F, p .Hien Rekkou: D, DF, F, D, DF, p .Yuri Chou Enbu: x, x, F, a, z .Shin Hien Hou'ou Kyaku: F, B, F, DF, D, DB, B, 2k .Back Dash: B, B .Run: F, F (hold) .Dodge: a + x .Dodge Attack: p or k (while dodging) .Forward Roll: F + a + x .Parry High: F (tap) .Parry Low: D (tap) .Air Parry: F (tap) (Air) .Power Charge: b+y (hold) .Zero Counter: B, DB, D, p/k (during standing or crouching guard) .Excel Combo: c+z (Air also) .Fall Recovery: 2p (while falling when hit) .Low Jump: U (tap) .High Jump: D, U .Long Low Jump: D, U (tap) .Chouhatsu: s ========== - The 3rd hit of Enbu Kyaku is Super Cancelable; - En Yoku is an overhead; - Saifa reflects normal and specials projectiles, EX Saifa can also reflect super projectiles; - Button pressed determines the speed of Haou Shoukou Ken; - Yuri Chou Enbu changes on a Counter Hit, or with a 10% chance; ========== - Yuri's attack power increases along with her power bar. If you have three (or more) power stocks it increases 5%, two stocks increases it 2% and one stock 1%; - Yuri's defense increases when her life meter is low; - If you hit an opponent while he's attacking, you'll do 20% extra damage; - During Excel Combo, you can cancel any connecting Normal or Special into any attack or Forward Roll, but while in the air you can't cancel Specials into Normals; - Just as Excel Combo is about to end, when Yuri is flashing faster, you can perform an EX Special or a Lv1 Super; - A Super performed after another will not cause guard damage on the opponent; ========== - Holding a button as Yuri wins a round allows you to select her win pose, as follows: X or Y -> Yuri airs her shirt, then notices someone watching ang gives a thumbs up, while saying "Yoyuucchi!" ("Piece of cake!") A or B -> Yuri gives a thumbs up while saying "Yoyuusu! Natsuke!" ("Piece of cake! I win!") C -> Yuri goes back to meditating. Makoto's win pose Z -> Yuri tightens her belt, then does a victory pose while saying "Yari!" ("Did it!") Win by Perfect -> Yuri starts adjusting her belt but accidentally loosens it exposing her undershirt, then covers up while screaming "Mou saitei!" ("Not again!") - This character respects the following community standards: Guard Crush: 5910, 5911, 5912, 5915, 5920, 5930 Collapse: 5130, 5131, 5950 Tech Hit: 5940, 5945 Burned: 7697 Midnight Bliss: 9020, 66660, 66661, 66662 Winane's AI Method: 9741, 74140108 Character Traits: 8055000, 8055999 (more) Collapse: 5130, 5131 Slammed Against Ground: 7070 Projectile Reflection For details, visit The Mugen Fighters Guild or Random Select forums: - http://mugenguild.com/forumx/ - http://randomselect.i-xcell.com/forum/ ========== - Special thanks to Kao Megura and Warusaki3 Oni Harite Demon Hand Slap Silent Nage Silent Throw Izuna Otoshi Well Rope Drop En Yoku Swallow Wing Yuri Ori Yuri's Fall Ko'ou Ken Tiger Gleam Fist Arata Raiou Ken New Lightning Sparkle Fist Raiou Ken Lightning Sparkle Fist Yuri Chou Upper Yuri Super Upper Double Chou Upper Double Super Upper Triple Chou Upper Triple Super Upper Saifa Smash Break Hyakuretsu Binta Hundred Violent Slaps Hien Hou'ou Kyaku Flying Phoenix Kick Haou Shoukou Ken Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist Hien Rekkou Flying Violent Pierce Yuri Chou Enbu Yuri Super Swallow Dance Shin Hien Hou'ou Kyaku True Flying Phoenix Kick - Yuri Chou Upper is also known as "Kuuga" (Air Fang) - Double Chou Upper is also known as "Ura Kuuga" (Reverse Air Fang) - Shin Hien Hou'ou Kyaku is also known as "Ganso Hien Hou'ou Kyaku" (Original Flying Phoenix Kick) ========== <12.01.2010> - For Mugen 1.0 now - Can Super Cancel Triple Yuri Chou Upper - Shin Hien Hou'ou Kyaku is more punishable on block - Supers start up slightly slower, but have more invulnerability (particularly her Lv3) - Removed an easter egg that was given to Rare Akuma earlier - Revised some hit properties. Ko'ou Ken now super cancels better, while Saifa makes for better corner juggles - Juggle system no longer depends on whether or not P2 can fall recover, only on juggle points - EX Saifa can juggle <27.03.09> - Some fixes <14.12.08> - Some fixes - Added a controller that only allows the opponent to Safe Fall near the ground - Fixes - Shin Hien Hou'ou Kyaku has more invulnerability on startup - Fixes - EX Arata Raiou Ken is now homing - Fixes, thanks to everyone who tested the char - Yuri now holds small opponents correctly during Hyakuretsu Binta - Reduced damage of Yuri Chou Enbu - Tweaked the Super Finish effect - Fixes - Improvements all-around, expect a more restrict but technical gameplay - Changed the juggle system to one adapted from CvS2 and SFZ3 - EX Specials can now juggle more than their Special counterparts - Added En Yoku and Enbu Kyaku - Added Raiouken, EX Raiou Ken, EX Saifa and EX Hyakuretsu Binta - Yuri Ori can now be performed even before you jump over the opponent, but is now harder to use as cross-up - Added a short invulnerability time to Chou Upper - Saifa can no longer reflect Supers, but EX Saifa can - Hyakuretsu Binta now works like in CvS2 when it is countered, still hitting the opponent if his attack has the same priority - Haou Shoukou Ken's velocity is determined by the pressed button - Hien Hou'ou Kyaku now behaves differently when blocked - Hien Rekkou now combos better - Added normal throws - Added Throw Escape - Etsu Hien Hou'ou Kyaku now comes out a bit faster, but Yuri dashes a bit slower - Added Burned special anim - Added super portrait - Added Counter effect - EX specials effects (palfx and afterimage) now last only for a certain time instead of until the move is finished - Added Super Finish effect and text - Added more intros and turns intro - Added special intros vs Ryo and Sakura (and a bunch of other chars) - Split a lot of colors, increasing her color count from 15 to 40 O_o - More stuff I forgot about as always - First release ========== - More King of Fighters moves and anims - Fix some edits ========== - The Dreamslayer, for ripping Yuri's sprites, among other stuff from CvS2 - Warusaki3, for some CvS2 effects, a couple of voices I was missing and some pictures from JoJo's comics where I got the Hyakuretsu Binta effect from - H", for some other CvS2 effects - Winane, for the A.I. activation code - Edenbeast, for the King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2 voice samples - Another, Black_Dahlia_Isis, Chosis, Hystalin, Loona, royrob69, [schism], Snake, Tony 3rd, XCB and Young C for submitting palettes - All the good folks in the community, for support and motivation - www.GameFAQs.com, for... the game FAQs =P - You, for downloading my char ;) ========== - Yuri Sakazaki, Art Of Fighting and King Of Fighters are property of SNK Playmore - Capcom VS SNK is property of Capcom - This Mugen character is a non-profit fan work, it cannot be used for any commercial purposes